
Feel free to mess with my job

On Tuesday, February 12th, regarding the anniversary of the crime at the school in Parkland, in which a former student killed 17 students and teachers and wounded the same number, several hundred activists attended a rally on the stairs of the US Congress as a sign of support of the initiative to tighten the regulations for the purchase and possession of firearms in the United States, and above...

Who follows whom here

In late January, famous actor Ashton Kutcher tweeted that he wanted real contact with real people. In that tweet, he also published his phone number and invited people to send him a text message to connect and stay in touch, in this way.

While you shave your face, they get you fleeced

It didn’t take long to wait. After the Nike, which "took the Internet by storm" with Colin Kaepernick’s activist video and which was the subject of countless articles and columns in traditional media, here comes a new example of a global brand that bases its campaign on a controversial and sensitive social topic.

Donation to Nike

P. S. Our story about Colin Kaepernick is getting a new sequel these days. His Majesty the Colin Case caused that just one day after the release of the text "The Right Time to Take a Knee," a music star Rihanna refused to perform in February next year in the half-time of Super Bowl final game of the American NFL football league as an act of support of Colin Kaepernick.

X Factor

Even though fall is practically here, here’s yet another summer topic. Maybe you took part in the Ten-San sunscreen competition? What, you don’t know what I’m talking about? Ten-San published caricatures done by eight famous caricature artists with the topic of Ten-San sunscreen and invited people to vote for the best one.

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