The Martians first attacked our planet on October 30, 1938, a fact which a large number of those listening to CBS radio in America that evening would confirm.
X Factor
Even though fall is practically here, here’s yet another summer topic. Maybe you took part in the Ten-San sunscreen competition? What, you don’t know what I’m talking about? Ten-San published caricatures done by eight famous caricature artists with the topic of Ten-San sunscreen and invited people to vote for the best one.
Wear yourself with style
Legend has it that Steve Jobs once explained why he’d chosen “Think different” instead of “Think differently” for Apple’s slogan. Namely, the second slogan – “Think differently” is restricting, since you can only think differently within the same paradigm. On the other hand, “Think different”, requires a change of perspective from which you view the world, in this way creating something new.
Jolly slaves
“OMG! Is she for real?! I’ve gotta forward this so people can see just how many jerks there are!”
Be human
Lil Miquela opened her Instagram account in 2016. Very soon, this 19-year-old California girl became popular. She takes pictures of herself in fashionable outfits; she visits trendy events like the Coachella Festival, where she posts series of photos which show how much fun she is having.